Create a Customer Avatar in 5 Steps | Marketing Mastery with Justin Rondeau

This week, Justin Rondeau, General Manager for DigitalMarketer, goes over how to create a customer avatar (the customer persona your business is targeting) in just 5 easy steps!


Learn more about Customer Avatars here:

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If you don’t have a customer avatar you’re seriously missing out on the secret to success. After all, if you don’t know who your customer is then how can you market to them?

Getting a clear understanding of your customer will impact virtually EVERY aspect of your marketing and sales process. And here are the 5 steps to get there!

Step 1: Identify the Goals and Values

What are the goals of your ideal customer that YOUR business, service, or offering can help them achieve.

Then you have to list out values at the same time as goals.

A good way to start this exercise is to phrase it like this:

[Customer Avatar name] is committed to…

Step 2: Find their Sources of Information

What books are your customers reading? What magazines?

Do they frequent particular types of blogs? What about specific blogs?

What conferences or trade shoes do they go to?

Who are their ‘Gurus’?

This will help you nail down where you can advertise and how to speak to them in a language they understand.

Step 3: Write out their Demographic Information

Creating this fictional person seems odd but it really does give you a complete picture of your customer. It makes them ‘real’ or as real as a fake avatar can be

Step 4: List out their challenges and pain points

Now that your avatar is a bit more real, you want to dig into what their challenges are and their main pain points (or in some cases their fears).

Obviously, you should limit these to challenges and pain points your business, service, or offer can help with!

Step 5: Identify the Objections to the Sale & Their Role in the Purchase Process

These are often overlooked, specifically the objection part. Nobody has a product or service so great that literally everyone will want to use it if they become aware of it. That just doesn’t happen.

The important thing is WHY wouldn’t your ideal customer want to work with YOU at this point in TIME.


Justin Rondeau is the General Manager at DigitalMarketer and has been doing this whole “Marketing” thing since 2010, when he was mildly […okay maybe more than mildly] obsessed with all things, data, email, optimization, and split testing.

He’s trained thousands of marketers, spoken on hundreds of stages, runs a delightful team of marketers & product creators, has dozens of shirts louder than his voice, and loves one hockey team: the Boston Bruins.

Paul Miller

  • @anatolii-ulitovskyi says:

    The best avatar is your personal and unique avatar. I usually use my photo because people trust photos – they wanna cooperate with people. That’s why many brands hire ambassadors or influencers for their brands.
    Let me know what you think to reply to this message.

  • @MrHaydenJColson says:

    Love the new youtube videos! Can you walk through the Before & After grid soon?!?

  • @Mr.CreamCheese69 says:

    yes but how would i go out and apply this? how would i begin to gather this info?

  • @SunilSewpersadh says:

    You’re born with the gift of the gab Justin

  • @johnding1841 says:

    Thanks so much for this video, will save me a lot of time.

    Great presentation skills btw! You’re great at creating emotion through tone of voice too, something else I need to improve

    • @turncoatmedia529 says:

      Only if you want to seem overwhelming to sensitive people. This video is way too overbearing for me.

  • @waveee8306 says:

    This is brilliant, You are masterful at breaking things down and explaining. 👍 subbed

  • @cameronnovak6056 says:

    very useful, thanks man

  • @MatthewShipp says:

    How do I create an avatar when I don’t have any customers or buyers yet. Also, if I only have a few customers that’s not a very large pool of people to build from. So how do I create an avatar with no ‘real’ information?

    • @ajhamii says:

      Yea, I have the same question

    • @sayacikmad4284 says:

      for me, what i did was i identified the avatar of my competitor. it gets me started and i got my initial client base from there. from there i created an avatar of my own customers. hope this helps!

  • @Angana90 says:

    All your points were great but did not get the last part… the 5th point. An example would have been better

  • @Stardoll0tutorials says:

    should we have only one customer avatar ? or is still okay if we have more than 2-3?

  • @officialhrishi says:

    Loved this video man, but didn’t get the WORKSHEET. After signing up on the landing page, it was asking for card details.

  • @adityatiwari9373 says:

    Thank you sir❤️love from india

  • @roryallen1686 says:

    Thank you for your words! I am currently building my plans for Youtube and have been looking into making a few Viewer Avatars! This helps me a lot for figuring out how to do this!

  • @stardrops4309 says:

    Identify their goals and values – 00:58
    Find sources of information – 2:35
    Write out their Demographic Information – 3:38
    List out their challenges and pain points – 4:49
    Identify the Objections to the Sale & Their Role in the Purchase Process – 5:15

  • @ketovoreking5440 says:

    Im just getting started 💯👌👍🙏♥️ this is gold
    Thank you

  • @jamesberry7736 says:

    great video

  • @AleenaMalik says:

    Gold ✨️

  • @dreamwithjohnny says:

    Loved it. Straight forward and easy to work with. Excited to play around with it!

  • @emilianolopez4289 says:

    I dont get where the “ideal” part of the matter fits

  • @TheBeMoHappyShowPodcast-pn9bt says:

    This is amazing value. Thank you. I LOVE THE VIDEO Structure, too. Awesome!!

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