Sales Funnel Strategy – 7 Simple Hacks To Get Your Sales Funnel To Convert

Getting your sales funnel to convert may be more simple than you think! In this video, I am showing you my sales funnel strategies that I’ve used myself and have also used with my coaching clients. I guarantee just one of these will make a HUGE difference for your online business. Subscribe:


It’s all about being more attractive to your customers and in this video I layout 7 marketing tips that you can apply to your sales funnels in ClickFunnels. Starting with the easiest fix working up the more complicated, each one of these things has helped my inner circle, coaching clients, and thousands within our funnel hacker community. Trust me, you won’t want to miss out on this!


How To Get More Traffic To Your Sales Funnel:

How To Get Any Sales Funnel To Convert:




3. SOME GOOD CONTENT TO BINGE: New to Funnel Hacker TV? Check out the playlist below! You'll find great entrepreneur resources, business tips, and marketing tools.


5. LET US LOOK AT YOUR FUNNEL: We do a live show every Friday called Funnel Fridays where we look at one lucky winner's sale funnel. AND it could be YOURS! Join here:


Paul Miller

  • @tessflowers4685 says:

    I loved hearing that the lead magnet didn’t have to be so substantial! I also REALLY love hearing all of the different businesses / offers out there, actually making money. Please make more videos!

  • @eusouoje1053 says:

    OMG! I have been following you for while, it is not by chance that your are the SALES FUNNEL KING… every time you can reduce the content making so much easy to understand and stick on our mind when it is time to create our own sales funnels or to provide proper advice to our clients. Thanks

  • @designwizard8138 says:

    I’m a freelance funnel designer and I was looking for ways to explain to my clients and customers why we need to have this on the page and why we need to have that on the page when they start to ask questions. Your video saves the day! Thanks, Rus-sell 😉

  • @EvanCarmichael says:

    Tons of value – thanks for sharing RB 🙂 #Believe

  • @miguelgibbs7105 says:

    Tip number 3 is specially powerful . The Emotion, Logic, Fear sequence is a subtle and powerful hack not only for Sales Funnel but for any sales channel….Also tip number 4, the order form Bump is very efective tapping into the already decided buyer in the Funnel. Is all about applied marketing psychology. Thank you Russell.

  • @whosChrisHughes says:

    1) Add More Curiosity To Your Headlines To Increase Conversions 0:37
    2) Create a Lead Magnet To Grow Your List 02:26
    3) Build Your Sales Page For Optimum Conversion 04:35
    4) Offer an Order Form “Bump” to Increase Sales 07:03
    5) Keep The Buying Loop Open To Identify Hyperactive Buyers 08:44
    6) Create an “Offer Wall” to Ascend Buyers Up Your Value Ladder 09:34
    7) Add A Webinar To Your Thank You Page to Increase Sales 10:14

  • @lawrencepayne7313 says:

    Fantastic stuff! So much I can implement now and help me planning for my other things. #7 will make so much difference to the value I give people when they buy from me.

  • @andraedelaney7890 says:

    The amount of free advice that Russell gives is absolutely unreal! I’m going to re-watch this video and take notes!

    • @MarketingSecretsOfficial says:


    • @leserdal says:

      @@MarketingSecretsOfficial Greetings, Mr. Russel. I am Turkish and I don’t speak English. I searched for a Turkish translation of your books, but I couldn’t find them. I also want to learn funnel, but I don’t have enough money in my pocket right now. I’m grateful if you give me some advice

    • @markwarncken says:

      agreed 100%

  • @PlaytimeWithPoppyAndPaxton says:

    I like #4 offer an order bump. Creating a space for an impulse buy between entering CC info and hitting submit is ingenious

  • @devam7768 says:

    This is one of the greatest internet marketing videos on the internet! Thanks a lot, Russell!

  • @taysandrade4439 says:

    Seus vídeos são incríveis, ainda não falo inglês, mas assisti legendado e amei as dicas. vou aplicar no meu funil de vendas de produtos através do marketing digital.
    ja te adicionei no instagram, quero acompanhar tudo, aprender bastante.

  • @kevinmetili says:

    Russell, I totally like what you shared. Thank you very much! And just so to mention, you are a very good presenter, and a great marketer! Learning so much from you. Not only in your expertise, but through your values and characters. You are a man of integrity! Thank you for keeping on keeping on.

  • @obsidianstang6296 says:

    A useful video that actually has the useful content instead of spending 10 minutes telling me how useful it’s going to be? What kind of sorcery is this?

  • @krisztianjordan says:

    Russell, you always give away so much value! you show how simply you solve problems in funnels and that people should also do the same

  • @chrisshaw6402 says:

    Russell, great stuff. I am just trying to get set up and moving forward with clickfunnels. I went through the 14 day free trial and had a hard time setting it up.
    What I really wanted to comment on is the inundation of emails and information I am receiving since I set up my account. Just too much for the average person to absorb. It’s a little overwhelming for the newbies.

  • @hexcreativestudio says:

    Valuable information. Time to implement it. Taking action now, thank you Russell!

  • @shubhampapnai says:

    1. Add more Curiosity to your Headlines to increase Conversions
    2. Create a Lead Magnet to grow your list
    3. Build your Sales Page for Optimum Conversion – Emotion based Headline + VSL → Logical Arguments → Urgency/Scarcity
    4. Offer an Order Form Bump to Increase Sales
    5. Keep the Buying Loop open to identify Hyper Active Buyers
    6. Create an “Offer Wall” to Ascend buyers up your Value Ladder
    7. Add a Webinar to your Thank You page to increase sales

    • @Elegan_te says:

      Thank you

    • @lutgardetshibolamulumba3610 says:

      Merci pour vos explications, je ne sais pas bien parler l’anglais mais avec Google translate ça va

    • @BootstrapBunny says:

      Thank you!

    • @genghisfimpley3516 says:

      @@lutgardetshibolamulumba3610 how did you watch the video then?? 😭😭😭

    • @william44011 says:

      @@lutgardetshibolamulumba3610 Avez-vous déjà idolâtré quelque chose, utilisé le nom de Dieu comme un gros mot, désobéi à vos parents, assassiné (Dieu considère le meurtre comme odieux), convoité, volé, menti, voulu quelque chose d’autre qui ne vous appartient pas ? Pour notre péché, enfreignant la loi, nous sommes punis en brûlant en enfer pour l’éternité, un lieu sans espoir pour notre salut. Mais Dieu nous aime tellement et de tout son cœur qu’il a donné son Fils unique, Jésus-Christ, à ce monde maudit pour être crucifié sur la croix. (Jean 3:16-17) Maintenant, quiconque accepte Jésus-Christ, le Fils de Dieu, comme son Seigneur et Sauveur et croit qu’il est ressuscité des morts le troisième jour sera sauvé de la damnation éternelle en enfer et vivra au ciel dans le ciel avec lui pour toujours. Beaucoup choisiront de suivre Satan, soit parce qu’ils pensent qu’ils ne réussiront pas autrement, soit parce qu’ils n’ont ni joie ni amitiés, mais il se révélera bientôt comme un meurtrier et un menteur comme lui. . était depuis le début et il maudira tous ses disciples comme il a maudit Dieu et tous les disciples de Satan seront jetés dans un enfer toujours brûlant. Ne croyez pas ce mensonge auquel j’ai cru aussi ! Notre Dieu est un Dieu aimant et compatissant, mais il juge avec justice. (Matthieu 13:41-42)

  • @daycassia77 says:

    Esse conteúdo é ouro em pó! 😍 Hugs from Brazil!

  • @mebobby215 says:

    Most valueable video I have watched while looking for what is sales funnel and trust me you just showed me the facts and secrets what nobody talks about and yes it’s basic but still neglected all the time. thank you for this men

  • @alisoncsantos says:

    Eu gostei da 3 dica de estrutura de vendas, bem detalhada e logica.
    Parabéns pelo conteúdo.

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